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It usually happens before the age of 15, and in some cases is performed on babies, in the belief that the girl will grow up "clean", her "honour" intact along with her virginity as a way of Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) is a global problem. There are an estimated 200 million women and girls all over the world currently living with its effects, of which 44 million are below the age of 15. A further 3 million are still expected to be cut every single year. The rate of female genital mutilation in Somalia is estimated at 98 percent. This harmful practice carries serious health consequences and it increases the likelihood of dying during childbirth.
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Uganda. Chad. Mali. Somalia. 4,723. 9,557.
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Author: Amanda andra länder som till exempel Somalia där antas 98 % ha genomgått FGM/C.
It’s also known as “female circumcision” or “cutting”, and by other terms such as sunna, gudniin, halalays, tahur, megrez and khitan, among others. 2019-02-06
Maryan Mudey Abukar, 19, from Hudur, Bakool region underwent female genital mutilation (FGM) when she was just six years old.
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- Somalia has the world's highest FGM prevalence 24 Apr 2019 Enlightened Somali mothers and Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) and eight, with a trend moving towards cutting at an even younger age. 18 Sep 2018 In African countries, more than 90 million girls and women over the age of 10 are estimated to have undergone FGM/C, and some 3 million. entrenched practice in Somalia with a prevalence rate is over 97% and in the countries where the prevalence of FGM is high the most common age for the FGM 2 Mar 2018 “Many families prefer to marry them off at an early age after they have undergone FGM. The girl child has no space in Somalia because there's 1 Oct 2018 after undergoing female genital mutilation (FGM) at the young age of Practiced on an estimated 98 per cent of girls in Somalia at the time, 9 Jun 2016 The First Lady of Puntland in Somalia is leading a campaign to outlaw female genital mutilation.
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The prevalence of the practice predisposes Somali women of child bearing age to vario 26 Jul 2018 A 2018 UNICEF report estimates that at least one in four women and girls between the ages of 15 and 49 have undergone FGM in the country. 29 Aug 2019 Almost all women between the ages 15 to 49 are thought to have Liberia, Mali, Sierra Leone, Somalia and Sudan - do not criminalise FGM, 13 Sep 2018 - An estimated 55 million girls in Africa under the age of 15 have undergone FGM or are at risk. - Somalia has the world's highest FGM prevalence 24 Apr 2019 Enlightened Somali mothers and Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) and eight, with a trend moving towards cutting at an even younger age. 18 Sep 2018 In African countries, more than 90 million girls and women over the age of 10 are estimated to have undergone FGM/C, and some 3 million. entrenched practice in Somalia with a prevalence rate is over 97% and in the countries where the prevalence of FGM is high the most common age for the FGM 2 Mar 2018 “Many families prefer to marry them off at an early age after they have undergone FGM. The girl child has no space in Somalia because there's 1 Oct 2018 after undergoing female genital mutilation (FGM) at the young age of Practiced on an estimated 98 per cent of girls in Somalia at the time, 9 Jun 2016 The First Lady of Puntland in Somalia is leading a campaign to outlaw female genital mutilation. The procedure is unnecessary, can cause The Youth Anti-FGM- Somaliland is a national movement to end female genital mutilation, and catalyze their collective action to reach and influence the youth to 21 Aug 2017 Whether it's a nick or full circumcision, female genital mutilation is Some of the study's participants reported that, typically at the age of 7, they 6 Aug 2016 Traditional Practice. Since the female genital cutting process often happens at a young age , it is noted that these girls are not often given the 18 lis 2013 Ovo je priča somalijskog supermodela Waris Dirie koja je prošla taj pakao i danas svoju slavu i bogatstvo koristi u borbi protiv FGM-a.
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304. 358. 662. Norway. 362. 298.
SOMALIA. 63% of girls who underwent. FGM/C had their genitalia sewn closed. KENYA. 59% of girls and women who have been cut do not see. claims from Somalia; Somali women and girls represented about 20% of all FGM-practising countries of origin will require specific gender, age and social 7 Feb 2014 Somalia - Yesterday (6/2/14), as part of its migration health Tolerance to Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) in Mogadishu, Somalia. The prevalence of the practice predisposes Somali women of child bearing age to vario 26 Jul 2018 A 2018 UNICEF report estimates that at least one in four women and girls between the ages of 15 and 49 have undergone FGM in the country.