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Deals in Anchor, Cona , Elley & Ashokalite Brand Directors of Navbharat Explosives & Fuse India Limited are Sanjeev Hagar, Vijay Kumar Singh, Vishal Kumar Singh, . Navbharat Explosives & Fuse India Limited's Corporate Identification Number is (CIN) U24100CT2009PLC021403 and its registration number is 21403.Its Email address is edp@navbharat.org and its registered address is NAVBHARAT UDYOG BHAWAN RING ROAD NO. 1, TELIBANDHA RAIPUR … ITM University Raipur celebrated 27th foundation day, Navbharat, 11.10.2018 ITM University Raipur celebrated 27th foundation day, Deshbandhu, 11.10.2018 Practical knowledge of timber technology taken by ITM University students, Amanpath, 19.09.2018 Navbharat Press (Raipur) India / Chhattisgarh / Raipur World / India / Chhattisgarh / Raipur World / India / Chhattisgarh / Raipur press / news agency Add category Upload a photo Behind Shaheed Smarak Nearby cities: Coordinates: 21°14'46"N 81°38'15"E.