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ANALYZING - svensk översättning - bab.la engelskt-svenskt

Use WoWAnalyzer to analyze your gameplay and get suggestions to become a better raider. Med Analysera i Excel kan du placera Power BI-datauppsättningar i Excel och sedan visa dem och interagera med dem med hjälp av pivottabeller, diagram, utsnitt och andra Excel-funktioner. The Cause and Effect Analysis tool uses a hierarchy to rationalise the factors that contribute to the manifestation of a problem. It is a simple way of making sense out of what may be a confusing set of inter-relating factors. 2.2 Cause & effect analysis – example 1 Hole Cargo Shift Sabotage Bad Stowage Capsize Collision Bad Weather Method analyse、analyze、analysis的区别为:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。 一、意思不同. 1.analyse:分析。 2.analyze:(分析)研究;分解;解析。 3.analysis:对,对抗,很,非常,十分。 二、用法不同 ABOUT EMAIL HEADERS. This tool will make email headers human readable by parsing them according to RFC 822.

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Literary analysis In a literary analysis you analyse and discuss a work of literature. We will analyze in a prospective study on incident patients, whether the use of Intelligence: to Analyse CKD-MBD in Hemodialysis and Cardiovascular Risk  Under the ”Actors” tab, we have listed authorized suppliers who can analyze the graphene. Characterization Guide >> New analyse companies are welcome to  analyse är » DictZone Engelsk-Svensk ordbok. analyser, analyzer. analytiker ▽. analyze, analyse. analysera ▽.

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The Cause and Effect Analysis tool uses a hierarchy to rationalise the factors that contribute to the manifestation of a problem. It is a simple way of making sense out of what may be a confusing set of inter-relating factors.

Analyse analyze

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Analyse analyze

"Analyze" is defined as the US spelling of the verb "analyse". So, obviously, you can use "analyze" as a verb in any context where you would also use "analyse" and especially if you prefer to communicate in American English. In addition, some statistics show that "analyze" is more frequently used than the other spelling. When do we use "analyse"? (əˈnӕləsis) – plural aˈnalyses (-siːz) – noun 1. (a) detailed examination of something (a sentence, a chemical compound etc) especially by breaking it up into the parts of which it is made up.

Analyse analyze

verb (used with object), an·a·lyzed, an·a·lyz·ing. to separate (a material or abstract entity) into constituent parts or elements; determine the elements or essential features of (opposed to synthesize ): to analyze an argument. to examine critically, so as to bring out the essential elements or give the essence of: to analyze a poem. analysera [ analyserade|har analyserat] {vb} (noggrant undersöka) analyse.
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Tam Fiil Çekimi "to analyse"; Çeviriler "to analyse" of cookies on your device to enhance site nav How to analyze a text? Principles of analyzing a passage  There are many things to take into consideration when analyzing a film. Here are some useful guidelines.

Meaning or explain it analyze something The job involves gathering and analyzing data. “Analyse, analyze” in a Sentence (with Audio).
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ANALYZING - Translation in Swedish - bab.la

2 ACCOUNTING to separate and examine different types of costs, sales Analyze. NCBI provides a wide variety of data analysis tools that allow users to manipulate, align, visualize and evaluate biological data.

Translate analysera from Swedish to English - Interglot

Svensk översättning av 'analyzing' - engelskt-svenskt lexikon med många fler översättningar från engelska till svenska gratis online.

▻parse_collate.h. ▻parse_cte.h. ▻parse_enr.h. ▻parse_expr.h. Yatsy analyse, 8a. Added by 27 Crags.