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GENDER SPECIFIC WORDING . In order to improve readability, the present report does not contain any gender-specific wording. Any personal terms used relate to both men and women equally. Unabhängiger Finanzsenat, Außenstelle Linz, Austria) — Firma Ing. Auer — Die Bausoftware GmbH v Finanzamt Freistadt Rohrbach Urfahr (Case C-251/06) (1) (Indirect taxes — Raising of capital — Transfer of the seat of a company — Abolition of the capital duty charged to a company) (2007/C 315/28) Language of the case: German Referring LINZ Data Service - geospatial and related data from Land Information New Zealand. Download GIS data as Shapefile (SHP), FGDB, DWG, MapInfo, CSV, Google Earth (KML). Create a free downloadable online signature by drawing or typing. Easily produce handwritten signatures you can use on all of your online documents.
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