Environmental Product Declaration



2011-04-27 · In other words, those extra gases added the equivalent of 92 million extra tonnes of CO2. Standard ratios are used to convert the various gases into equivalent amounts of CO2. E.g. if a power station with an efficiency of 34 % burns coal, it emits 1.0 kg carbon dioxide for generating one kilowatt hour of electricity. Changing to less carbon dioxide intensive fuels reduces the emissions and contributes to climate protection in the short-term. The carbon footprint of a Big Mac cheeseburger is 4 kg of CO2 equivalent gases (well really 3.4 to 4.82 kg but I will call it 4, see calculations below). Of that .5 kg is from diesel emissions, .9 kg is from electricity emissions and 2.6 kg is from the cattle eructations and flatulence methane emissions. Koudemiddel CO2 equivalent online calculator - Snel en eenvoudig.

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(given in Gg CO2-equivalent or kt CO2-equivalent) with Climate Change Planetary boundary data For 12 litres of diesel consumption in stationary GHG emission source like DG set will release 0.03184 tons of carbon dioxide equivalent emission (Diesel emission factor is 0.002653 tCO2/Lit. This is based on diesel density of 0.833 kg/Lit and 43 TJ/Gg of NCV). Diesel density value is sourced from Indian Oil website. In summary, it can be concluded that the annual CO2 offsetting rate varies from 21.77 kg CO2/tree to 31.5 kg CO2/tree.


EAN kod : 4242005137060. Impacts from CO2 differentiated sales tax on CO2 emissions from passenger cars iii. Table of SEK for each 100 kg for petrol cars and approximately 572 SEK. CO2- ekv / CO2e 300 kg → 500 ton CO2-ekv Utrustning med mer än 3 kg men mindre än 5 ton CO2-ekv behöver inte längre läcksökas  Från hösten 2016 så är all mat i Kårrestaurangen, Express, L´s Kitchen och L´s Express miljömärkt i form av ett kalkylerat CO2-utsläpp på alla maträtter. Serie | 4, Värmepumpstumlare, 7 kg 7 kg torktumlare med energiklass A+ för en energisnål torkning.

Kg co2 equivalent

Product Environmental Profile - Product Documentation

Kg co2 equivalent

Petrol/gasoline. Kg. or fuels can be stated as tons GHG/ton of coal, kg GHG/liter of oil or kg CO2/TJ of gas; for the same projects, emission factor stated in terms of output electricity  If you're a Powershop customer or not, use this kWh to CO2 calculator to help see your carbon emissions from your electricity usage. UK CO2(eq) emissions due to electricity generation.

Kg co2 equivalent

(multiplied by $12 per ton of CO2-equivalent emissions) were. $474,072. CO2 offsets costs per  Fuel type.
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density of carbon dioxide is equal to 1.836 kg/m³; at 25°C (77°F or 298.15K) at standard atmospheric pressure. A calculator that allows users to translate abstract greenhouse gas amounts into concrete terms that are easy to understand. Carbon dioxide is an invisible, odourless and colourless gas. This does not prevent it, like the air, from having a mass : 1,964 g/litre or 1.964 kg/m 3 . These equivalents will help you understand the scales we’re talking about when discussing one tonne of CO 2 : About Carbon dioxide; 1 cubic meter of Carbon dioxide weighs 1.836 kilograms [kg] 1 cubic inch of Carbon dioxide weighs 0.00106128 ounce [oz] Carbon dioxide weighs 0.001836 gram per cubic centimeter or 1.836 kilogram per cubic meter, i.e.

Engelska. Kg CO2e/person. Textiles, Engineering and Business, or its equivalent. Exam code kg.
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DiVA - Sökresultat - DiVA Portal

Indirect system R404A. Transcritical system CO2. 10 ton CO2 = 4000 mil, som ett varv runt jorden 100. 200. 300. 400.

Environmental Product Declaration

Vad är CO2-ekvivalenter (koldioxidekvivalenter) ? Borttagen kommentar. Kommentaren du söker har flyttats till en ny diskussion, eller är borttagen. 2021-03-24 · Food's carbon footprint, or foodprint, is the greenhouse gas emissions produced by growing, rearing, farming, processing, transporting, storing, cooking and disposing of the food you eat. In the US, each household produces 48 tons of greenhouse gases. Transport, housing and food have the three larg Alors on se rend compte que l’utilité » de la voiture, environ 1200 kg pour transporter une personne de 70 kg le ratio est de 70/1270 soit 0.05 efficacité du carburant brulé. The Global Warming Potential (GWP) of a greenhouse gas is its ability to trap extra heat in the atmosphere over time relative to carbon dioxide (CO2).

to reduce relative average carbon emissions from aggregated upstream oil and gas operations to 20-21 kg CO2 equivalent per barrel oil equivalent by 2025,  On Swedish bioenergy strategies to reduce CO2 emissions and oil use. January 2011 This number. is in relatively close agreement with the 90 kg CO. där kopplingen av BIM och CO2e ger en klimatdeklaration för byggnaden i Det är vanligt att klimatdata anges i kg CO2e/kg, vilken även är enheten. The negative CO2 emissions that result from BECCS operations have four main greater than 700 kg/m3, which is close to the density of ordinary water.38 The  in shallow and deep snow cover in High-arctic Svalbard and Sub-arctic Sweden total winter emissions from the trace gas technique, 0.004-0.248 kg CO2 m-2,  The upper limit is set at 70 grams of CO2 emissions per kilometre (does not apply to petrol vehicles). Drinking water purification, Denmark 0.17 kg, CO2e/m3. The report shows that battery manufacturing leads to high CO2 emissions. in the battery, emissions of 150 to 200 kilograms of carbon dioxide equivalent are  Kol (C) och två syre (O2) väger tillsammans 7,3 x 10^-23 gram per stycket, och 1000 kg koldioxid motsvarar… 1,38 x 10^28 stycken CO2  4.2.6 Indirect CO2 emissions from NMVOC emissions of cement multiplying the amount of fuel used (kg) with emission factors (g/kg fuel).