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Taking a look at the Amazon Kindle Thriller/Adventure best-seller lists makes for interesting reading. Desmond Bagley is up there, along with contemporary Alistair MacLean. You can always rely on them both any time of year to carry the flag for the genre. There's the ubiquitous Lee Child of course sailing high above everyone in first … Includes a unique bonus - The House of the Lions, a story written exclusively for Desmond Bagley's Christmas house guests in the 1960s. Wyatt’s Hurricane / Bahama Crisis.

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0 Save. Best Authors Här söker du efter böcker och andra medier. Du kan också söka efter bibliotek, evenemang och övrig information om Stockholms stadsbibliotek. Desmond Bagley wrote 16 novels, becoming one of the world's top-selling authors, with his books translated into more than 30 languages. He was born in 1923 in Kendal and brought up in Blackpool, beginning his working life, aged 14, in the printing industry. After working in an aircraft factory during the Second World War, he decided to travel, working his way through Europe and southern Africa Desmond Bagley (1923-1983) var en britisk journalist og forfatter, der er særligt kendt og elsket for sine mange spændingsromaner. Han debuterede som forfatter med en novelle i det engelske magasin Argosy i 1957, og hans første roman, ”The Golden Keel” (på dansk ”Den gyldne køl”), udkom i 1963.

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He was born in 1923 in Kendal and brought up in Blackpool, beginning his working life, aged 14, in the printing industry. After working in an aircraft factory during the Second World War, he decided to travel, working his way through Europe and southern Africa Desmond Bagley (1923-1983) var en britisk journalist og forfatter, der er særligt kendt og elsket for sine mange spændingsromaner. Han debuterede som forfatter med en novelle i det engelske magasin Argosy i 1957, og hans første roman, ”The Golden Keel” (på dansk ”Den gyldne køl”), udkom i 1963.

Desmond bagley best books

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Desmond bagley best books

Wyatt’s Hurricane / Bahama Crisis. Desmond Bagley. Double action thrillers by the classic adventure writer set in the islands of the Caribbean. WYATT'S HURRICANE. Desmond Bagley wrote 16 novels, becoming one of the world's top-selling authors, with his books translated into more than 30 languages. He was born in 1923 in Kendal and brought up in Blackpool, beginning his working life, aged 14, in the printing industry.

Desmond bagley best books

Christie and John Dickson Carr to Desmond Bagley and H.R.F. Keating.
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Incredibly easy to pick up and read just a chapter plucked from anywhere in the book, then find you 'come to' an hour later having slipped into it easily like a comfy slipper and read many more chapters - Bagley's writing is that good - even when you already know every angle of the plot.

Shop amongst our popular books, including 46, High Citadel, The Freedom Trap and more from desmond bagley. Free shipping and pickup in store on eligible orders.
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118 likes · 1 talking about this. Desmond Bagley was Britain's foremost thriller writer of the 1960's, 1970's and early 1980's 1974-01-01 Desmond Bagley has 58 books on Goodreads with 22037 ratings.

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When the Allies invaded southern Italy in 1943, Mussolini’s personal treasure was moved north to safety. 2013-11-25 Includes a unique bonus - The House of the Lions, a story written exclusively for Desmond Bagley's Christmas house guests in the 1960s. Wyatt’s Hurricane / Bahama Crisis. Desmond Bagley.

Publication day! Today sees the availability - for free - of Desmond Bagley's autobigraphical memoir "Writer". This is a wonderful and very personal account of the author's life up until the point he released his first, world-wide, best-selling novel. Looking for books by Desmond Bagley? See all books authored by Desmond Bagley, including Night of Error, and High Citadel, and more on