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CSSF – The Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier is a public institution which supervises the professionals and products of the Luxembourg financial sector. Citywide Enterprise Applications SF Employee Portal Employee Login SF User Support SF Employee Portal MyApps Portal City Apps and Password Reset COVID-19 Emergency Management ICS Form 214 Form 213RR Form 213RR Form 213RR ICS Form 213RR ICS Form 213RR City Job Opportunities, Benefits, and Programs Whistleblower Program Report Improper Activities WageWorks Commuter Žádost o ošetřovné při péči o dítě za kalendářní měsíc, ve kterém bylo uzavřeno výchovné zařízení (škola) či jeho část The supervised entities are required to transmit periodic data to the CSSF relating to their activities on a monthly, quarterly or annual basis, depending on the circumstances. The CSSF instructions only concern the prudential reporting (tables O, U, FIAAG and MMF), for which the CSSF is responsible. an electronic signature of the CSSF based on an SSL certificate issued by Luxtrust. Luxtrust is the certification authority for electronic signatures in Luxembourg. The public certificate that allows to verify the validity of the signature of the CSSF is available for download on this page.
365/2000 Sb., o informačních systémech veřejné správy a o změně některých dalších zákonů, zákonem č. 300/2008 Sb., o elektronických úkonech a autorizované konverzi dokumentů, zákonem č.
5. The audit of the annual accounts as defined hereabove has to be documented on the one The myCSS customer portal lets you keep track of your documents, submit bills and check your benefits. Why not sign up for it now? Référence : CSSF_Certificate_registration.doc Regulatory Reporting How to declare your Luxtrust certificate to the CSSF For regulatory reporting, the CSSF needs a copy of your Luxtrust certificate as soon as possible.
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5 February 2021. Edit to include the latest education tender and change the picture.
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1.2 Focus on the naming convention The PSF reporting files must follow this naming convention (extracted from the CSSF naming convention (4) ) : CSSF circular 12/552 as amended by CSSF circulars 13/563, 14/597 and 16/642 Central administration, internal governance and risk management. This circular is applicable to investment firms.
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Some styles failed to load. 😵 Please try reloading this page 5 February 2021. Edit to include the latest education tender and change the picture. 20 January 2021. Addition of a new tender for housing and debt and the removal of HPCDS and immigration Jean-Pierre Faber, director at the CSSF, has participated at the virtual round table discussion about telework and regulation, organized by the legal magazine Legitech on 3rd March.
The audit of the annual accounts as defined hereabove has to be documented on the one The myCSS customer portal lets you keep track of your documents, submit bills and check your benefits. Why not sign up for it now? Référence : CSSF_Certificate_registration.doc Regulatory Reporting How to declare your Luxtrust certificate to the CSSF For regulatory reporting, the CSSF needs a copy of your Luxtrust certificate as soon as possible. (Note : it is the .cer certificate and not the keystore).