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To request materials, contact us at training@cpca.org. (NOT AVAILABLE FOR ON-DEMAND) This Live activity, Working Together to Make California TB Free, with a beginning date of 10/10/2018, has been reviewed and is acceptable for up to 1.00 Prescribed credit(s) by the American Academy of The TB Free California initiative is a partnership among the California Department of Public Health (CDPH), community clinics and health departments throughout the state to eliminate TB. If you would like to share your thoughts about the Latent TB videos, please contact us at currytbcenter@ucsf.edu. Date of Release: December 2018 Everyone working in California TB control should be familiar with these legal resources. CTCA Directory of TB Control Programs : We keep this statewide staff directory as up to date as possible.

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For upholstered furniture sold in California, effective January, 1, 2015, SB 1019 requires that California TB Test Requirement Two of the requirements to be a substitute teacher with Swing are a TB test and a LiveScan background check.. TB Test Requirement: You can complete the TB test requirement in one of two ways, online or in-person.

The TB Free California team is committed to reducing the burden of TB in California by partnering with organizations to increase awareness, testing Join TB free California!
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07/15) Page 1 of 2. Applicants, current employees, volunteers and employees from other state agencies who work in the California Department of Corr ections Treatment of latent TB infection is essential to achieve a TB-free California. World TB Day falls on March 24, 2019, and this year's theme is: It's Time!

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Green Science Policy Institute | Feb 11, 2014 Technical Bulletin 117-2013 (TB117-2013) TB117-2013 is a new regulation for the flammability of upholstered furniture in California. It replaces the 1975 standard, Technical Bulletin 117 (TB117). What kind of tests does TB117-2013 require? TB disease – an illness in which TB bacteria are multiplying and attacking a part of the body, usually the lungs. The symptoms of TB disease include weakness, weight loss, fever, no appetite, chills, and sweating at night.