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OG Kush Strain - Euro 420 Buds - Buy Marijuana Online Europe

Smagen og aromaen er sød, krydret og jordagtig med stærke noder af citronsyre og et strejf af pebermynte. Kush tillhör delmängd 'cannabis indica', medan dis hör till undergrupp 'cannabis sativa'. Kush har sitt ursprung i Afghanistan och är allmänt sett i Pakisthan, Iran  KushScan - mobile application that recognizes type, thc level, sativa/indica level of a dry kush by photo . Application shows 3 most visually similar strains  Platina OG påstås stämma från tre stammar: Master Kush, OG Kush och en tredje okänd förälder. Blommor är kalkgröna och fylliga, med  Huvudet högt slår snabbt och håller dig surrande i timmar, medan den milda kroppen hög håller dig jordad. Resultatet Lemonhead OG Strain Review. Avatar.

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Translations in context of "KUSH" in swedish-english. HERE are many Jag ger Egypten till lösepenning för dig, Kush och Sevá i ditt ställe. For I am HaShem  Hallå där, här kommer jag och vill försöka få igång en konversation och lära mig lite mer. Personligen gillar jag Star Killer OG, är som att åka in i en tegelvägg.


OG 1 Kenobi is a strain bred by Jedi Masters of the highest order to provide unlimited connection to the power of the force…well maybe not but this legendary strain has unknown origins rumored to be a cross of some strain of OG Kush. OG 1 Kenobi delivers an almost instant potent euphoria from first toke.

O og strain

O.G. Kush av Royal Queen Seeds från Seed City

O og strain

Se hela listan på weednews.co 2020-06-10 · According to a story from legendary Amsterdam cannabis cultivators DNA Genetics, the O.G. name was given to the San Fernando Valley-bred kush strain by weed-obsessed rappers Cypress Hill, specifically because the strong, skunky strain was the "original gangsta" of kushes. True OG is a popular indica marijuana strain bred with genetics from OG Kush. This strain was originally discovered in Southern California, where the term “OG” originally meant “ocean grown.” True OG Kush is a legendary strain with a name that has recognition even outside of the cannabis world. Despite its fame, though, its exact origins remain a mystery.

O og strain

Den populära myten hävdar att Chemdawg och Hindu Kush föräldrar OG Kush Marijuana Weed. Angel OG marijuana är en terapeutisk behandling som vanligtvis används för att behandla inflammation, sömnlöshet, svår smärta, PTSD och många andra  PotDagga Dispensary USA distribuerar högkvalitativa medicinska marijuanaprodukter över hela världen och stolta över kvaliteten på våra produkter och vår  Det finska bandet Turmion Kätilöt besöker Sverige och.
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White OG is one of the hardest hitting indicas in most collections. Settling in late during the curing stage, the terpenes present in White OG are subtle but very fruity. At harvest though, and when just packaged, the buds seem generic, albeit covered in trichomes OG 1 Kenobi is a strain bred by Jedi Masters of the highest order to provide unlimited connection to the power of the force…well maybe not but this legendary strain has unknown origins rumored to be a cross of some strain of OG Kush.

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And we agree with that completely! Skywalker OG Weed Strain is a big name in the marijuana industry. OG Kush was first cultivated in Florida, in the early ‘90s when a strain from Northern California was supposedly crossed with Chemdawg, Lemon Thai and a Hindu Kush plant from Amsterdam. The result was a hybrid with a unique terpene profile that boasts a complex aroma with notes of fuel, skunk, and spice.

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It smells richly floral and kushy, per the name, and has a moderately strong THC average of 20%.

Sour OG Marijuana Strain. Best of all, oil Sour OG Feminized Marijuana Seeds.